DPS Summer Outreach Material

Summer Forecast

These days, the news is full of stories about energy. Whether it’s gasoline, fuel oil, natural gas, or electricity, the forces of supply and demand are having an impact on the commodities that are important to all of us.

The following information will give you an understanding of New York’s summer electric supply situation — what’s happening and why. You can learn about New York’s electricity needs, how you can control your electric costs, and the steps that are taken to ensure the reliability of the electric system.


Energy Supply and System Reliability


Adequate Supply

On a statewide basis, the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) forecasts that New York should have enough electricity to meet demand for the period from June through September. The NYISO projects that New York’s peak demand will be 31,765 megawatts (MW). A review of the electric system and utility preparedness indicates that New York will have 41,049 MW worth of capacity resources which will meet summer peak demand and provide a cushion in case of severe hot weather.

System Reliability

On an extremely hot day -- when electricity usage is at its peak -- New York's electric utilities may take special steps to maintain the reliability of the state's electrical system.

Utilities may:

  • Issue an "energy alert" and public appeals to residential customers to voluntarily reduce energy use.
  • Contact large business customers directly to request they reduce their consumption.
  • Activate demand reduction programs for large customers.

If the need to reduce usage continues, utilities may:

  • Institute electric voltage reductions.
  • Request assistance from neighboring electric systems
  • Cut electricity supplies to customers in certain areas