2/4 Power Outage

12:14 pm update:

"All hands are on deck" as retired Line Leader Alan Abbott and Solvay Electric have joined the effort to once again restore electricity in the Village. The Sherwood is currently running on generator power in an effort to reduce the load on the circuit. 

The Village continues to ask that residents make an effort to ascertain what electricity is necessary and turn off anything that isn't. This would include outdoor Christmas lights and the lights on in empty rooms. This works similarly to a breaker in your home. If you overload the circuit, the breaker flips. The breaker will continue to flip until the load is reduced. 

Thank you once again for your patience and your diligence in helping.



We are aware of another power outage. We are mobilizing and will work as fast as we can to restore power. Please refrain from calling and asking for an ETA as it takes away from resources working on the issue.

We kindly ask that all Village residents do their best to turn off any non-essential electricity at this time in order to preserve resources.

Thank you so much for your patience, we know how difficult this situation is for our residents.